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  • HMV music store within undercover shopping mall

    Lawson To Buy HMV Japan From Daiwa Group

    Japanese convenience store chain Lawson Inc. (TYO: 2651) announced on October 28, 2010 that it will acquire music retailer HMV Japan K.K. from Daiwa Securities SMBC Principal Investments Co. Ltd. for 1.8 billion Yen (US$21.9 million). The acquisition will allow Lawson to strengthen its stores’...


  • SuzhouTechCentre2

    The 3 Best Emerging Cities For Starting A Business In China

    A recent survey conducted by Companies.Asia Group has identified the top 20 new cities in China with the most potential for starting a business. These 20 selected cities were ranked based on information gathered from interviews of business managers, entrepreneurs, both foreign and Chinese, working...


  • ASXMerger3

    Singapore Stock Exchange’s $8.4 Billion Bid For Australia’s Bourse

    Australia’s Stock Exchange (ASX) has entered into an agreement to be acquired by and to merge with the Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX), creating the fifth largest exchange in the world with a bourse market capitalization of US$12.3 billion, and whose listed companies have a combined...


  • PepsiIndia2

    Pepsi Really Means Cola In India

    The word Pepsi actually means cola, and any other bottled carbonated drinks including its rival brand Coca cola in India. This built-in linguistic advantage for PepsiCo naturally translates into higher sales for its cola soft drinks. In terms of total beverage sales, including non-cola drinks,...


  • DoCoMoSmartPhone

    DoCoMo Releases New Galaxy S To Take On iPhone

    NTT Docomo Inc. announced that it would start selling Samsung Electronics Co.’s Galaxy S smartphone customized for the increasingly competitive Japanese market on October 28, 2010. Docomo plans to increase its market share as well as to challenge the current market domination by iPhone and...


  • ShinsegaeCentumCity

    Shinsegae vs. Lotte: Clash Of The Retail Titans

    South Korea’s Shinsegae Group and Lotte Group square off in a battle for supremacy in the retail industry. Last year, Shinsegae Group opened its latest luxury department store on the home turf of archrival Lotte Group, igniting another round of aggressive competitions for customers. Shinsegae...


  • iPadTaiwan4

    Free iPads In Taiwan ?

    Selling iPads in Taiwan is illegal, so gray marketers are giving them away with the purchase of outrageously high priced accessories. The country’s National Communications Commission (NCC), which issues licenses for all wireless devices, has yet to approve the tablet. Under Taiwanese law, people are...


  • Businessman at Shanghai Stock Exchange

    The China IPO Connection

    Hong Kong and China continue to dominate global IPO activities in 2010. In 2009, Hong Kong was the world’s largest IPO market, with companies raising a combined $32 billion in capital, according to Dealogic, a data tracking firm with offices in London, Tokyo and Hong...


  • Shanghai5

    Insurance Industry In China

    China’s insurance industry is one of the fastest growing in the world with an expected compound annual growth rate of 28-30% for the 2009-2013 period. While many countries are still slowly recovering from the devastating effects of the global financial crisis, China’s insurance industry is...


  • iConWorld-640x250

    iProperties – Internet & Intellectual Property Converge

    Internet Properties Internet properties include not only well developed websites with a proven business model, but also domain names with extensions such as .com, .net, .ca, or .cn.. Just like real estate properties, good domain names are very often in short supply and in great...