India Archive

  • Cloud Computing Asia

    IBM Poised To Dominate Asia-Pacific Cloud Computing Market

    International Business Machines Corp. (NYSE:IBM): its company motto is Think… and thinking was what it did when it discarded businesses it once dominated, such as personal computers, and transformed itself from a hardware manufacturer into the No.1 technology services company in the world. The old...


  • SubwayChina8

    Subway Overtakes McDonald’s As World’s Largest Restaurant Chain

    The Subway sandwich group, operated by privately held Doctor’s Associates Inc., has officially overtaken McDonald’s Corp (NYSE: MCD) as the world’s largest restaurant chain in terms of number of restaurant outlets, according to the year-end store count filed by Subway to the Securities and Exchange...


  • PepsiIndia2

    Pepsi Really Means Cola In India

    The word Pepsi actually means cola, and any other bottled carbonated drinks including its rival brand Coca cola in India. This built-in linguistic advantage for PepsiCo naturally translates into higher sales for its cola soft drinks. In terms of total beverage sales, including non-cola drinks,...